Publications & Citations Of Her Work

Planting sustainable seeds in young minds: the need to teach planetary health to children
Von Borries et al.
When you think about someone working in public service, you may picture a City Hall employee, a public-school teacher, or a police officer. What about a veterinarian?

Fire in Paradise: My Story
Dr. Deborah Thomson
It was the night of November 17, 2018, when I left my home in Berkeley, California, and drove three hours up to the area of Paradise.

AVMA fellow joins Sen. Feinstein’s office
The American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA) is pleased to announce that AVMA’s 2019-2020 fellow, Dr. Deborah Thomson, has secured a year-long placement as a full-time staff member in the office of Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.).

Why We Need Veterinarians in the Policy World
Angela Nelson
When you think about someone working in public service, you may picture a City Hall employee, a public-school teacher, or a police officer. What about a veterinarian?

Why Have Veterinarians in Government?
AAAS Science & Technology Policy Fellowships via Angela Nelson
Fellows Matthew Ferreira and Deborah Thomson, both veterinarians, were interviewed by their alma mater, Tufts University, about their fellowship experiences.

One-health lessons for children created by veterinarian
Dr. Deborah Thomson developed the website and lessons. She previously served as the 2019-20 AVMA fellow with Congress, where she was placed as a full-time staff member in the office of Sen. Dianne Feinstein of California.

How can we inspire more one health actions to take place around the world?
By Deborah Thomson, DVM
When you think about someone working in public service, you may picture a City Hall employee, a public-school teacher, or a police officer. What about a veterinarian?

Why Teach Children about One Health?
Dr. Deborah Thomson
The American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA) is pleased to announce that AVMA’s 2019-2020 fellow, Dr. Deborah Thomson, has secured a year-long placement as a full-time staff member in the office of Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.).

AVMA Sends Veterinarians to Capitol to Discuss Legislation with Lawmakers
Today’s Veterinary Practice
Dr. Deborah Thomson developed the website and lessons. She previously served as the 2019-20 AVMA fellow with Congress, where she was placed as a full-time staff member in the office of Sen. Dianne Feinstein of California.

Inspiring Action at the UC Davis One Health Symposium
by Kristin Burns
When you think about someone working in public service, you may picture a City Hall employee, a public-school teacher, or a police officer. What about a veterinarian?

Veterinarian, nurse, financial professionals earn fellowships, certificate, honor
The Berkshire Eagle
The American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA) is pleased to announce that AVMA’s 2019-2020 fellow, Dr. Deborah Thomson, has secured a year-long placement as a full-time staff member in the office of Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.).

California veterinarian chosen as AVMA congressional fellow
Dr. Deborah Thomson developed the website and lessons. She previously served as the 2019-20 AVMA fellow with Congress, where she was placed as a full-time staff member in the office of Sen. Dianne Feinstein of California.

One Health Zero Hunger
Dr. Robyn Alders
It’s been a year that none of us could have predicted. Yet in many ways it is a culmination of the predictions we have heard for decades.

Why and how to educate your clients about One Health
Dr. Deborah Thomson, DVM
When you applied to veterinary school, do you remember explaining why you wanted to become a veterinarian?

Senate designates January ‘National One Health Awareness Month’
The U.S. Senate unanimously passed a bipartisan resolution on Dec. 19 proclaiming …