
ZOHU Call Webinar Series



The Global One Health Education Movement


International Student Webinar


University of Brawijaya

Malang, Indonesia

Using the One Health Approach Against COVID-19


Crayola Education

The Color of Health: Wellness and Its Impact on

Learning and Relationships

Sisters with a Dream (U.S.A.)

Veterinary Career Options

Environmental Health Student Association




Toastmasters International District 36-


Perspectives of an International Speech Contestant

USAID One Health Working Group


My 2 cents:

What Legislators Want to Know (from you)

about One Health

Crayola Education Facebook Live

How to Teach Health Creatively

University of Connecticut

From Music Major to Science Policy Advisor

in the United States Congress

Nigerian Inter-University Talk

The Current Global One Health Education Movement

Joint Rotaract Club Talk


COVID-19 and the Need for One Health Education

George Washington joint student club event including: Public Health, Physiology, One Health, Medical, Pre-Medical and Pre-Veterinary Clubs

COVID-19 and the Need for One Health Education


World Association of Disaster and Emergency Medicine Club

(Rowan University, School of Osteopathic Medicine)

One Health Interview with Dr. Thomson, DVM


Future Africa- 1HOPE Webinar

Developing a Career in One Health

STEM Belle (Nigeria)

Outbreak: One World, One Health

University of Massachusetts– Amherst

Animal Health Podcast:

Interview with Dr. Deborah Thomson

Burkina Faso Health Students Group

L’Educationmondialed’une seule santé : 

La protection de la santé future

International Student One Health Alliance Europe Virtual Conference 2021

One Health Multidisciplinary and

 Multicultural Team Development and Leadership

One Health Ethiopia Project

Interview with Dr. Deborah Thomson

American Veterinary Medical Association: My Veterinary Life Podcast

One Health Lessons with Dr. Deborah Thomson

Portal SaudeUnica (One Health Portal) Podcast

Interview with Dr. Deborah Thomson

(translated to Portuguese)

One Health Lessons: Professor Perspectives Webinar Series

Mutual Interview between Dr. Deborah Thomson

and Hristina Crenn

Integrated Pest Management

of North America

How the Pandemic has Led to Wide-spread Health

Education for Children and the Public

Integrated Pest Management

of North America

One Health Lessons & Vector-borne diseases

US Federal Govt: Pandemic Prediction and Forecasting Science and Technology Working Group

One health literacy and education